Results for 'María Rosario Carvajal Muñoz'

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  1. Cooperación e innovación en el sistema productivo local de Estepa.María Rosario Carvajal Muñoz - 2012 - Aposta 54:4.
    Este texto analiza el sector del mantecado y empresas auxiliares en Estepa (Sevilla), cuestionándose que se trate de un sistema productivo local en su acepción de distrito industrial. Para ello se parte de la clasificación de Garofoli sobre diferentes modelos de concentración de empresas en un territorio, y se confronta también con la definición de cluster. Estos términos se asocian a la presencia o no de cooperación entre empresas, según la información proporcionada por los empresarios entrevistados. Los resultados apuntan a (...)
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    Identidad Social en Amartya Sen: vinculando libertad y responsabilidad en democracia.María Rosario Carvajal Muñoz - 2015 - Arbor 191 (775):a269.
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  3. Ethical decision-making in academic administration: A qualitative inquiry of Filipino college deans' ethical frameworks.Maria Rosario G. Catacutan & Allan de Guzman - 2015 - Australian Educational Researcher 42 (4):483-514.
    Ethical decision-making in school administration has received considerable attention in educational leadership literature. However, most research has focused on principals working in secondary school settings while studies that explore ethical reasoning processes of academic deans have been significantly few. This qualitative study aims to describe the ethical decision-making processes employed by a select group of Filipino college deans in solving ethical dilemmas using the ethical paradigms proposed in the works of Starratt (Educ Adm Q 27:185–202, 1991) and Shapiro and Stefkovich (...)
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    Moral Sensitivity Practice in Academic Deanship: Does it really matter?Maria Rosario G. Catacutan & Allan de Guzman - 2016 - In Ismail Hussein Amzat & Byabazaire Yusuf (eds.), Fast Forwarding Higher Education Institutions for Global Challenges. Springer. pp. 173-184.
    The chapter reports on the findings of a grounded theory study on the moral sensitivity practice of Filipino college deans. It centers on the exposition of a conceptual model which expands the construct of moral sensitivity beyond the initial stage of moral problem recognition and depicts three processes of knowing facts, understanding people, and understanding oneself as fundamental processes to moral sensitivity. A set of seven distinct practices were also identified as subcomponents of moral sensitivity. The chapter concludes by highlighting (...)
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  5. Beauty as an encounter between freedom and nature: A romantic interpretation of Kant's critique of judgment.María Rosario Acosta Lópedelz - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):63-92.
    This essay presents a possible interpretation of the concept of beauty in Kant’s Critique of Judgment, which was itself suggested by Kant in the two introductionsto the text and gained force among the Early German Romantics and Idealists, introducing an alternative point of view into the concept of beauty and the role it plays in the relationship between reason and sensibility, man and world. Through the analysis of the four moments of the Analytic of the Beautiful, beauty will manifest itself (...)
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    La racionalidad como compromiso social en Amartya Sen. Su relación con las economías solidarias o alternativas.M. Rosario Carvajal Muñoz - 2021 - Dilemata 35:53-65.
    The text starts from Sen's conception of rationality as a social commitment and from his criticism of the economic rationality of utilitarianism, confronting them with the characteristics of implicit rationality in solidarity economic initiatives and sustainable development. These economic initiatives and Sen's ethical rationality are reflected in the following aspects: ethical evaluations of these solidarity initiatives, seeking to reduce social inequalities, the need for social commitment by the companies involved, recognition of social diversity, the importance given to the social participation (...)
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  7. Bridge over troubled water: Phenomenologizing Filipino College Deans' Ethical Dilemmas in Academic Administration.Maria Rosario G. Catacutan & Allan de Guzman - 2015 - Educational Management Administration and Leadership:DOI: 10.1177/1741143214558579.
    This phenomenological study intends to capture and describe Filipino college deans’ lived experiences of ethical dilemmas as they carry out their work as administrators. Using semistructured in-depth interviews and following Collaizzi’s method, data was collected and subjected to cool and warm analyses yielding a set of themes and sub-themes that typify what these deans consider to be ethical dilemmas. The resulting ‘Wheel’ of School Leaders’ Ethical Dilemmas depicts the nature of the dilemmas faced by these deans, the critical incidents which (...)
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  8.  35
    The Challenges of Socially Responsible Investment Among Institutional Investors: Exploring the Links Between Corporate Pension Funds and Corporate Governance.Laura Albareda Vivó & María Rosario Balaguer Franch - 2009 - Business and Society Review 114 (1):31-57.
  9.  30
    Soberanía: una nueva forma de contener y administrar la violencia.María Rosario Serrano García - 2012 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 6 (6):147-154.
    Sovereignty was not only a theory for the proper law of a State but a way of taking away the autonomy of the prophetic spirit and subject to the dialectics of state and government interests. Sovereignty implies that there is no force that operates outside the power capable of regenerating and bring salvation to a people corrupt. Sovereignty involves the creation of a mirage, the manifestation of the free spirit of the people is a product or invention of state power. (...)
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  10.  8
    Extension Education and the Social Sciences: Uplifting Children, Youth, Families, and Communities.Maria Rosario T. De Guzman & Holly Hatton (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Cooperative Extension System serves as the conduit through which scientific knowledge generated by the 130 land-grant colleges and universities in the United States is translated and delivered directly to its constituents. Since its inception over 100 years ago, Extension has been integral in developing, delivering, and applying cutting-edge knowledge in agriculture and natural resources, youth development, family and consumer sciences, and community and rural development. Today, more than ever, Extension will need to lead the way in building and maintaining (...)
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    Guía de selección de erp en las pequeñas y medianas empresas mexicanas.Igor Rivera & María Rosario Pérez Salazar - 2013 - Arbor 189 (760):a025.
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    Mujer, ciencia y sociedad: las Ciencias Agrarias.María Rosario De Felipe Antón - 2002 - Arbor 172 (679-680):475-499.
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    (1 other version)The social responsibility performance of ethical and solidarity funds: an approach to the case of Spain.María Jesús Muñoz-Torres, María Ángeles Fernández-Izquierdo & María Rosario Balaguer-Franch - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (2-3):200-218.
  14.  42
    Leishmaniasis entomological field studies: Ethical issues.Fernando Andrade-narvaez, Silvia B. Canto-lara & Maria Rosario Garcia-misdels - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (3):157-160.
    Occupational health remains neglected in developing countries because of competing social, economic and political challenges. Ethical issues in the workplace related to the hazards and risks of becoming infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana , through the bite of naturally infected sand flies, is another area of concern that has been neglected as well. We report here the results of reviewing two entomological field studies carried out in our research center from 2003 to 2006. Eight students from our School of Biology (...)
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  15.  23
    From aesthetics as critique to grammars of listening: aesthetic resistance to epistemic violence (autobiographical essay).María del Rosario Acosta López, María Camila Salinas Castillo, Juan David Franco Daza, Yair José Sánchez Negrette & Santiago Cadavid Uribe - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:131-154.
    This paper presents an overview of my work in philosophy from my first book on Friedrich Schiller and the political sublime to my most recent project on listening to traumatic forms of violence. Starting with a reflection on the autobiographical character of philosophy, I propose to take up the question of an aesthetic dimension of philosophical critique, where aesthetics is understood as an always already embodied perspective on the world, on truth, and on philosophical activity, as well as an always (...)
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    Spinoza, de la física a la historia.Julian Carvajal & María Luisa de la Cámara (eds.) - 2008 - Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
    Aunque admito sin reservas -nos dice Spinoza en su TTP- que todas las cosas son determinadas por leyes universales de la naturaleza a existir y a obrar de una forma fija y determinada, afirmo, no obstante, que [...], para el uso de la vida,...
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  17.  38
    Decolonizing Collective Action.María Del Rosario Acosta López & Gustavo Quintero - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (2):4-9.
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    O pensamento político, social e económico de Basílio Teles.Maria do Rosário Machado - 2008 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    El perdón Ante la violación de derechos humanos: Restricción política, posibilidad ética.María Del Rosario Guerra González & Sdelaque Parte - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro (eds.), El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 43.
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    The Joint Practice of Conceptual History and the Study of Political Thought: Kari Palonen in Conversation with Rosario López and José María Rosales.Kari Palonen, Rosario López & José María Rosales - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):181-197.
    Il lavoro di Kari Palonen è rimasto negli anni una fonte di ispirazione per gli storici concettuali e intellettuali e per i teorici politici. La sua carriera e i suoi contributi lo rendono un interlocutore ideale per una conversazione sulla pratica congiunta della storia concettuale e dello studio del pensiero politico. Questa intervista, condotta da Rosario López e José María Rosales, si è svolta come una delle sessioni del seminario online _On the Joint Practice of Conceptual History and (...)
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  21.  16
    Reseña de "Revista Educación Estética 3: la tragedia y lo trágico (2007)".María del Rosario Acosta López - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (139):193-199.
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  22.  27
    Númenor: Tolkien's literary Utopia.Maria do Rosario Monteiro - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):633-638.
  23.  33
    Socioeconomic Differences in Parental Communication About Location.María del Rosario Maita, Daniela Jauck, Seamus Donnelly & Olga Peralta - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):410-427.
    This study explored whether parental directions about location differ by socioeconomic status and whether children’s performance is associated with parental spatial directions. We designed a task in which parents hid a toy in one of five identical boxes in a small-scale space, and then verbally guided their children’s search. Middle-SES parents employed more language in general than low-SES parents. However, groups used the same amount of spatial terms, suggesting that providing effective spatial directions is probably a matter of quality than (...)
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  24.  31
    Os contornos do tempo.Maria do Rosário Laureano Santos - 2006 - Cultura:119-129.
    Os Romanos, tal como outros povos antigos, procuraram delimitar o percurso do tempo. Seguiram o exemplo de outros povos, sobretudo dos Egípcios e Gregos e basearam-se nas informações recebidas para constituir os seus próprios calendários. Assim, serão mencionados os diferentes calendários desde Rómulo até ao calendário juliano, e ainda a influência deste nos calendários seguintes, no cristão e no gregoriano. Do mesmo modo, serão referidas unidades de contagem do tempo e a sua história, como os dias, as semanas, os meses, (...)
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  25.  16
    Grammars of Addressing: On Memory and History in Cathy Caruth’s Work.María Del Rosario Acosta López - 2021 - Diacritics 49 (1):147-157.
  26.  24
    An Aesthetic Dimension of Critique. The Time of the Beautiful in Schiller’s Letters On the Aesthetic Education of Man.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2022 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 52:41-67.
    Schiller a été fasciné par la résistance que la beauté oppose à la conceptualisation dans l’esthétique de Kant et l’a associée à une forme de temporalité particulière : l’« arrêt » sur le beau. La thèse que je soutiens est la suivante : le fait que nous nous arrêtions à contempler le beau ouvre pour Schiller une dimension critique au sein de l’esthétique, où l’expérience de la beauté résiste à la violence qui caractérise la modernité et en même temps cet (...)
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    Emotion, self-deception and conceptual/nonconceptual content.María del Rosario Hernández Borges & Tamara Ojeda Arceo - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 42:223-231.
    First the rationalist tradition and then the cognitive revolution put limits on the philosophy and social sciences with regard to the analysis of emotion, of irrationality in mental events and actions, to the reduction of our representations to conceptual elements, and so on. This fact caused an increasing interest in these topics. In this paper, we intend to claim the significant relations among these three issues: emotion, selfdeception and non-conceptual content, with two aims: i) to analyse the relation between non-conceptual (...)
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    ""Reseña de" Correspondencia. Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel" de Díaz, Jorge Aurelio.María del Rosario Acosta - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (147):254-263.
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  29.  47
    Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory.María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan (eds.) - 2020 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Critique has been a central theme in the German philosophical tradition since the eighteenth century. The main goal of this book is to provide a history of this concept from its Kantian inception to contemporary critical theory. Focusing on both canonical and previously overlooked texts and thinkers, the contributors bring to light alternative conceptions of critique within nineteenth- and twentieth-century German philosophy, which have profound implications for contemporary philosophy. By offering a critical revision of the history of modern European philosophy, (...)
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    Beauty as an Encounter between Freedom and Nature.Maria Del Rosario Acosta Lopez - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):63-92.
    This essay presents a possible interpretation of the concept of beauty in Kant’s Critique of Judgment, which was itself suggested by Kant in the two introductionsto the text and gained force among the Early German Romantics and Idealists, introducing an alternative point of view into the concept of beauty and the role it plays in the relationship between reason and sensibility, man and world. Through the analysis of the four moments of the Analytic of the Beautiful, beauty will manifest itself (...)
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    Hölderlin: Tragedy.María del Rosario Acosta - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (131):115-118.
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    La figuración del frente costero para la ciudad de Posadas.María del Rosario Millán - 2010 - Polis 27.
    Este artículo aborda el proceso de figuración del nuevo frente costero para la ciudad de Posadas, Misiones, Argentina, considerando la construcción discursiva del objeto costa en un corte diacrónico del corpus compuesto por planes y proyecto de intervención urbanística. Entiendo por figuración el haz de representaciones e imágenes proyectadas del espacio costero configurado en un escenario particular: la elevación de las aguas del río Paraná por la formación del embalse de la represa Yacyretá. Se toman en consideración diversos aspectos vinculados (...)
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  33.  36
    Aesthetic Reason and Imaginative Freedom: Friedrich Schiller and Philosophy.María del Rosario Acosta López & Jeffrey L. Powell (eds.) - 2018 - SUNY Press.
    Shows the relevance of Schiller’s thought for contemporary philosophy, particularly aesthetics, ethics, and politics. This book seeks to draw attention to Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) as a philosophical thinker in his own right. For too long, his philosophical contribution has been neglected in favor of his much-deserved reputation as a political playwright. The essays in this collection make two arguments. First, Schiller presents a robust philosophical program that can be favorably compared to those of his age, including Rousseau, Kant, Schelling, and (...)
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  34. Framing Klee's Window.María del Rosario Acosta - 2012 - In Paul Klee (ed.), Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision, From Nature to Art. Mcmullen Museum of Art, Boston College.
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    Centriole positioning in epithelial cells and its intimate relationship with planar cell polarity.Jose Maria Carvajal-Gonzalez, Sonia Mulero-Navarro & Marek Mlodzik - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1234-1245.
    Planar cell polarity (PCP)‐signaling and associated tissue polarization are evolutionarily conserved. A well documented feature of PCP‐signaling in vertebrates is its link to centriole/cilia positioning, although the relationship of PCP and ciliogenesis is still debated. A recent report in Drosophila established that Frizzled (Fz)‐PCP core signaling has an instructive input to polarized centriole positioning in non‐ciliated Drosophila wing epithelia as a PCP read‐out. Here, we review the impact of this observation in the context of recent descriptions of the relationship(s) of (...)
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    HEGEL ON COMMUNITAS an unexplored relationship between hegel and esposito.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (3):13-31.
    In Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community, Roberto Esposito develops a destructionist reading of political philosophy, interested in tracing modernity's attempt to constitute the political as a radical negation of our exposure to others. If the task of contemporary political thinking is to interrupt the myth of the common, without falling back completely into the negative and self-destructive power of immunization, political philosophy must be confronted with itself, searching within itself for the traces and points of departure – hermeneutic (...)
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  37.  58
    Ontology as Critique: On Jean-Luc Nancy’s Inoperative Community.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2017 - Research in Phenomenology 47 (1):108-123.
    _ Source: _Volume 47, Issue 1, pp 108 - 123 The following paper addresses itself to the question of ontology in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. In so doing it attempts to read Nancy’s ontological project as a project of the deconstruction of structural forms of political violence. To this end, Nancy’s notion of “inoperative community” is brought into dialogue with Benjamin in order to show how, in Nancy’s work, ontology operates not as the refusal of critique, but as its (...)
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    Producción de sentido, mediación semiótica y educación inclusiva.Maria do Rosário de Fátima Brandão Amorim & Fabiana Wanderley - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (6):191-203.
    Numerosas expresiones lingüísticas son producidas por los profesionales de las áreas de la Educación y Psicología para designar al sujeto con discapacidad. Nuestra mirada se centró en los discursos que se balizan en un lenguaje analítico y heurístico perteneciente al universo de la normalidad de la razón analítica. En contra de esta propuesta dialogamos con Wittgenstein sobre producción de sentido y de Vygotsky sobre mediación semiótica. Palabras claves: producción de sentido; mediación semiótica, discapacidad, inclusión.
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    Beauty as an Encounter between Freedom and Nature.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):63-92.
    This essay presents a possible interpretation of the concept of beauty in Kant’s Critique of Judgment, which was itself suggested by Kant in the two introductionsto the text and gained force among the Early German Romantics and Idealists, introducing an alternative point of view into the concept of beauty and the role it plays in the relationship between reason and sensibility, man and world. Through the analysis of the four moments of the Analytic of the Beautiful, beauty will manifest itself (...)
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    A “Tiny Displacement” of the World.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2011 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (1):93-112.
    This paper explores the way in which Agamben takes part in the dialogue on “impolitical communities” that was inaugurated by J. L. Nancy and was soon followed by authors like M. Blanchot, J. Derrida and R. Esposito, among others. Although Agamben’s ontological exploration of ‘whatever being,’ followed later by the political idea of form-of-life, are still very close particularly to Nancy’s work, the article will show in which ways Agamben’s view of a political coming community explores different paths and moves (...)
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    Information competence in professional training.Bárbara María Carvajal Hernández & Colunga Santos - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):526-545.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo describir las competencias informacionales a desarrollar durante la formación profesional. Se presenta los referentes teóricos a partir del empleo de un enfoque de sistema que supone el análisis y la síntesis, la inducción y la deducción como métodos de investigación, con el propósito de dar conocer los hitos en las universidades y organizaciones internacionales relacionadas. La modelación fue empleada para la construcción de un nuevo proyecto de desarrollo de competencias informacionales desde la perspectiva de la (...)
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    Algunas anotaciones en torno a Mediaciones de lo sensible: hacia una economía crítica de los dispositivos.María del Rosario Acosta & María Luciana Cadahia - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):229-243.
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    Positivismo y hermenéutica en la teoría de Davidson.María Del Rosario Hernández Borges - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (1):121-146.
    Donald Davidson intenta reconciliar dos posiciones tradicionalmente opuestas: la positivista, naturalista, y la hermenéutica. Sin embargo, aunque sostiene la identidad mente-cerebro y la explicación causal de la acción, en su teoría tienen más relevancia la autonomía e irreductibilidad de lo mental así como la relación de justificación que existe entre razones y causas y que fundamenta las explicaciones de sentido común. Argumentaré que su intento conciliador no ha tenido éxito ya que opta claramente por el proyecto interpretativo frente al explicativo. (...)
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  44. Tragic Representation: Paul Klee on Tragedy and Art.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2013 - Research in Phenomenology 43 (3):443-461.
    This paper traces and examines the different connotations given to the notion of “tragedy” in Paul Klee’s thought. From his early reflections on, Klee relates this notion to an intermediate and conflictive condition that characterizes human existence—an existence that takes place between heaven and earth, between the ethereal and the earthly. This essay focuses on how the connotations Klee gives to tragedy in different moments of his reflections transform the way he conceives the work of art. Hence, I will attempt (...)
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    Hegel and Derrida on Forgiveness: The Impossible at the Core of the Political.Acosta López María del Rosario - 2012 - Derrida Today 5 (1):55-68.
    In order to illuminate the very complex relationship between ethics and politics in the thought of Jacques Derrida, this paper stages the (dis)encounter between Hegel's and Derrida's notion of forgiveness. It will be shown how for these two authors forgiveness is closely related both with certain ‘impossibility’, and with the disclosure of a condition for rethinking the ethico-political realm. Both Hegel and Derrida seem to suggest that forgiveness opens up a realm in which something must remain ‘absolute’, that is to (...)
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    Cultural aspects of the concept of justice in ancient Rome.Maria do Rosário Laureano Santos - 2012 - Cultura:141-147.
    Na sua origem, o vocábulo latino iustitia (iustitiae) está directamente relacionado com o substantivo ius (iuris) e com o adjectivo iustus (iusta, iustum). A palavra iustitia amplia o seu significado primeiro na obra de Cícero (século I a. C.), e abrange novas acepções na época do imperador Augusto (séculos I a. C.-I d. C.) e posteriormente na obra de Séneca, o Filósofo (século I d. C.). Nesta comunicação, pretendemos estabelecer o percurso semântico do substantivo iustitia, assim como precisar a sua (...)
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    Review Article.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (1):152-163.
  48.  39
    A Methodological Shift in Favor of (Some) Paraconsistency in the Sciences.María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (1):335-354.
    Many have contended that non-classical logicians have failed at providing evidence of paraconsistent logics being applicable in cases of inconsistency toleration in the sciences. With this in mind, my main concern here is methodological. I aim at addressing the question of how should we study and explain cases of inconsistent science, using paraconsistent tools, without ruining into the most common methodological mistakes. My response is divided into two main parts: first, I provide some methodological guidance on how to approach cases (...)
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  49. Competencias informacionales en la formación del profesional.Bárbara María Carvajal Hernández, Silvia Colunga Santos & Manuel N. Montejo Lorenzo - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):526-545.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo describir las competencias informacionales a desarrollar durante la formación profesional. Se presenta los referentes teóricos a partir del empleo de un enfoque de sistema que supone el análisis y la síntesis, la inducción y la deducción como métodos de investigación, con el propósito de dar conocer los hitos en las universidades y organizaciones internacionales relacionadas. La modelación fue empleada para la construcción de un nuevo proyecto de desarrollo de competencias informacionales desde la perspectiva de la (...)
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    From Aesthetics as Critique to Grammars of Listening.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):139-156.
    This paper presents an overview of my work in philosophy from my first book on Friedrich Schiller and the political sublime to my most recent project on listening to traumatic forms of violence. Starting with a reflection on the autobiographical character of philosophy, I propose to take up the question of an aesthetic dimension of philosophical critique, where aesthetics is understood as an always already embodied perspective on the world, on truth, and on philosophical activity, as well as an always (...)
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